Clean Energy Capsules/Supplements

Made from Mushroom

and Plant Protein

Real Ingredients

NO fillers, sugars or additives

Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo and KEto Friendly

 Clean Energy Capsules 

Originally, the goal of this project was to have a balanced meal in a pill. To cut out the complexities of fueling our bodies. To simplify the input required to run in ideal conditions without being bogged down by food.

While you cant live on this alone like we hoped, we got pretty close to the right formulation for an excellent energy booster.

In many many situations 5 of these capsules serve as a "much better than nothing" "hold you over" capacity. In others, take 10 and combat hunger even longer.

When taken on the daily basis, or every other day, a noticeable increase in general wellness and strength occurs. That may be the health properties of the King Trumpet mushroom, the plant proteins working together, or the balance of both. .

Prebiotics are non-digestable fiber bits, things that don't break down easily. Without a solid bit of the right prebiotics, all probiotic sources will not be absorbed, like pouring water on a tile floor. Your body needs some stuff to stick around. This stuff does.

Processed Offset.

We eat a lot of processed and nutrient stripped foods. Lots and lots of it. Your body has to process  that terrifying concoction of random elements every day, resulting in who knows what types of problems for folks.

  • Eat that cheeseburger, but you know, take 5 of these with it. Balance it out.  Maybe more sometimes.

  • Or skip the cheeseburger, and take 10 of these and make a good meal when you get home. 

  • Skip the Snickers, Take 5 of these.

  • Feeling run down? Take 5 of these. Rejuvenate.

  • Can't get motivated to work out? Take 5 of these. Feel it.

  • Just worked out? Take 5.

  • Forget your lunch? Keep a bottle in your glove-box.

  • Take 5 of these with your coffee in the morning so you aren't dumping an acid on absolutely nothing. You will feel better.

Maintain your daily nutrient intake with a custom blend of power-packed proteins. BioBoost's original protein blend is made from four ingredients - whole king mushroom fruit bodies, pea protein, quinoa powder and hemp protein.

Perfect balance of protein and fiber.

  • Convenient Nutrient Intake

Each plant source adds some potassium, sodium and iron to help your brain and body remain functional throughout a full, busy day.


  • Elevate your Mood

Keep brain fog away and keep powering through your busy day without a mental crash. Just one five-capsule serving can help maintain mental clarity.


  • Maintain Energy

Skip a meal without losing power and focus. Taken with 8oz water, the capsules immediately help fight off hunger and help you feel energized.

Product Details:


Originally, the goal of this project was to have a balanced meal in a pill. To cut out the complexities of fueling our bodies. To simplify the input required to run in ideal conditions without being bogged down by food.

While you cant live on this alone like we hoped, we got pretty close to the right formulation for an excellent energy booster.

In many many situations 5 of these capsules serve as a "much better than nothing" "hold you over" capacity. In others, take 10 and combat hunger even longer.

When taken on the daily basis, or every other day, a noticeable increase in general wellness and strength occurs. That may be the health properties of the King Trumpet mushroom, the plant proteins working together, or the balance of both. .

Prebiotics are non-digestable fiber bits, things that don't break down easily. Without a solid bit of the right prebiotics, all probiotic sources will not be absorbed, like pouring water on a tile floor. Your body needs some stuff to stick around. This stuff does.

Processed Offset.

We eat a lot of processed and nutrient stripped foods. Lots and lots of it. Your body has to process that terrifying concoction of random elements every day, resulting in who knows what types of problems for folks.

  • Eat that cheeseburger, but you know, take 5 of these with it. Balance it out. Maybe more sometimes.

  • Or skip the cheeseburger, and take 10 of these and make a good meal when you get home. 

  • Skip the Snickers, Take 5 of these.

  • Feeling run down? Take 5 of these. Rejuvenate.

  • Can't get motivated to work out? Take 5 of these. Feel it.

  • Just worked out? Take 5.

  • Forget your lunch? Keep a bottle in your glove-box.

  • Take 5 of these with your coffee in the morning so you aren't dumping an acid on absolutely nothing. You will feel better.

Maintain your daily nutrient intake with a custom blend of power-packed proteins. BioBoost's original protein blend is made from four ingredients - whole king mushroom fruit bodies, pea protein, quinoa powder and hemp protein.

Perfect balance of protein and fiber.

  • Convenient Nutrient Intake

Each plant source adds some potassium, sodium and iron to help your brain and body remain functional throughout a full, busy day.


  • Elevate your Mood

Keep brain fog away and keep powering through your busy day without a mental crash. Just one five-capsule serving can help maintain mental clarity.


  • Maintain Energy

Skip a meal without losing power and focus. Taken with 8oz water, the capsules immediately help fight off hunger and help you feel energized.

Quickly get nutrients you need

BioBoost provides a powerful combo of protein and nutrients in a convenient capsule form. One serving and your brain and body can stay fueled those long, extra busy days, even when you skip a meal.

Per Serving

2 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber.


Elevate mood & energy levels

No one likes getting, "hangry".

Keep your mental edge sharp with BioBoost.

Each 5 capsule dose provides sustainable energy so you can stay focused on conquering the day.

Get BioBoost

Avoid getting


Suppress your appetite

With BioBoost, you can function through the day while skipping a meal and cutting calories. Feel strong and energized with just one five capsule serving.

See Supplement Facts


ENergy & Focus!

Support R&D in sustainable tech

We've developed a few innovative products to help support our mission in the research and development of sustainable technology. We're working on things like water desalination units, thermal batteries and other exciting projects in the realm of sustainability.

Keep in mind, we grew all of these mushrooms in this stuff, using our own tech, and now encapsulate it. Built from the ground up and invented out of thin air. Fruit-bodies only, that we grew. The good stuff.

The way we see it, if you take this stuff, you will have a better day, feel better, and make different decisions, positive decisions elsewhere in your life. That change, ripples. See. <3

Order BioBoost

Questions? feel free to contact us

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